Campus Planning and Facilities Management has updated its running list of closures and other activities that affect travel, access and planning on campus.
Campus Planning and Facilities Management broadcasts important campus notifications in a variety of ways to keep the university community informed about building maintenance, emergency management testing, construction and other campus planning and facility projects.
The latest notifications include:
COVID-19 and Wildfire Smoke Related:
- South Bank path advisory: Stay off the recently seeded area through summer 2022.
- Onyx Bridge fire alarm testing noise advisory Oct. 26-27.
- Huestis Hall noise and vibration testing advisory Nov. 3.
- Pacific Hall signage work in hallway H201 Nov. 1-9.
- Riverfront Parkway EWEB Waterline Project traffic advisory extended to Oct. 27.
- Huestis elevator offline for repairs, timeline unknown
- Lawrence elevator shut down for repairs.
- Jordan Schnitzer crane activity to remove large-scale sculpture Nov. 17-18.
- Campus AHU preventative maintenance schedule for October 2021 affects Knight Campus, Huestis Hall, Lokey Labs, Johnson Hall, University Health Services, Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Tykeson Hall, McKenzie Hall, Collier House, and Fleet Services.
- Hendricks Hall drinking fountains on second and third floor ongoing shutdown.
- Zebrafish International Resource Center building addition through May 2, 2022.
- Hamilton/Walton Residence Hall Transformation Project Phase II through Aug. 1, 2023.
Employees can stayed informed by visiting the UO map construction and impacts or the campus closures, shutdowns and detours website.