Purchasing and Contracting Services is starting the new year by hosting an open house Jan. 11.
The department is inviting all campus partners to come see its new offices, meet the people they talk with on the phone and learn about new user-friendly policies and procedures.
Associate Director Greg Shabram said the office has undergone a series of changes over the last several months designed to make purchasing and contracting more efficient and cost-effective. It has changed several policies, opened up the procurement card to make it more flexible and user-friendly, and reduced processing time to hours instead of weeks and months.
This spring purchasing and contracting will be launching new and improved trainings and start a new web-based procurement system allowing the campus community to shop for things that have already been negotiated without having to draw up a contract and bargain for the best price.
“This year we are working with SciQuest to implement a new eProcurement system for campus. Our hope is to add value to the UO by making easy to buy goods at the best prices,” Shabram said.
The open house is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 11, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Purchasing and Contracting Services offices at 1600 Millrace Drive, Suite 306. Food and drinks will be provided. To learn more about the office, visit their website.