The University of Oregon has released its annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report for 2021, as required by the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act).
The document, known informally as the annual security report and posted on the university's Clery Act website, is prepared yearly to provide information on safety and security programs, practices and statistics. The report was distributed via email to all UO students and employees on Oct. 1, consistent with federal requirements.
Federal law requires very specific information in Clery reports. This includes crimes reported to law enforcement or to university representatives, and crimes on specific property owned or controlled by the university, or in public areas that run through or are adjacent to campus.
Additionally, the report must include crimes from these locations, regardless of the victims’ association with the university. The statistics include any reports that are made in good faith to the university, not just to law enforcement, including anonymous complaints and regardless of the existence or outcome of an investigation.
The report is prepared with data and information provided by the University of Oregon Police Department, the Office of the Dean of Students (including Student Conduct), Safety and Risk Services, the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (including the Title IX Coordinator), UO Housing, other campus security authorities, and local law enforcement agencies.
Statistics in the annual Clery report are collected and presented by calendar year. The just-published edition includes statistics from 2020, as well as 2019 and 2018.
The report also contains statistics about fires in UO residence halls, as well as information for reporting Clery crimes to law enforcement and the university and other resources for crime victims.