Campus Planning and Facilities Management is gearing up for upcoming utility maintenance that will entail short, staggered power outages in some buildings on the University of Oregon campus.
The project will be conducted throughout the morning Sept. 14, starting at 7 a.m. The work will replace several electrical feeder breakers that each power numerous buildings on campus. The project is critical for the continued safe operation of the campus electrical system and should be completed by noon.
Members of the campus community should think about how these outages might affect them or their equipment and work with their supervisors or department heads to take necessary precautions.
For some, this may mean powering down equipment in advance of scheduled outages or taking additional steps.
Individuals who wish to request planning assistance for the outages should contact CFPM Work Control at or 541-346-2319.
For a detailed schedule and map of buildings impacted, visit the 2022 power outage information webpage.