Win prizes for driving less during the commute challenge

Employees can win prizes, save money, boost their health and reduce their carbon footprint by improving their commute. University of Oregon Transportation Services encourages faculty and staff to join the Oregon Get There Car Free Challenge, Sept. 16-22.

Be part of the movement by pledging to drive less for one week and logging trips taken by transit, walking, biking, scooter, carpooling and vanpooling on the Get There Connect website.

The final day of the challenge, Sept. 22, will celebrate the annual World Car Free Day of recognizing the many benefits of driving less.

There are two ways to participate in the Get There Car Free Challenge. Doing both brings a greater chance to win prizes.

  1. Take the pledge to drive less, Sept. 16-22.
  2. Log at least two trips in Get There Connect taken by transit, walking, biking, scooter, carpooling and vanpooling. Receive an additional entry for every trip logged after two (up to 12). Trips can be logged retroactively.

Whether it’s for work or school, running errands, going to appointments or having fun, any type of trip that replaces a drive alone trip counts. Any option will contribute to making Oregon and the planet a better place to live.

Here are the prizes up for grabs:

  • One of ten $100 Clever Cycles gift cards with a branded water bottle.
  • One of ten $25 Café Yumm gift cards and candy from Jacobsen Salt Co.
  • One of ten $100 Give and Get Local gift cards to a local business.
  • One of two $100 grocery store gift cards.

Learn more at