Campus and Community

Talk about time travel: UO president and interim provost, along with the Eugene mayor and other UO alumni and staff, walked last week in the footsteps of the world’s oldest shoes – 10,000-year-old sagebrush sandals – in south-central Oregon. Dennis Jenkins and Tom Connolly, archaeologists from the UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History (MNCH), led the July 18-20 “Oregon Outback Tour 2013” to explore where some of the continent’s earliest residents lived nearly 14,500 years ago (Paisley Caves), and where the world’s oldest shoes were found (Fort Rock Cave).
University of Oregon scientist Brad J. Nolen is completing his second year among the ranks of exceptional young researchers in the field of biochemical study. Nolen, who studies the molecular basis for actin formation in cells, is a Pew Biomedical Scholar, a title and financial award granted by the Pew Charitable Trusts foundation.
Win Min, originally from Burma and a native Burmese speaker, arrived in Eugene with the intent of enrolling at the University of Oregon. But first he spent a year in the UO’s American English Institute, where he took part in an intensive program designed to improve his English skills. After finishing this course work, Min was ready to become a full-fledged, matriculated UO student. Min is typical of the 1,000-plus international students served each year by AEI, a program of the Department of Linguistics.
June strawberries mark a blessed end to the rainy season. With thoughts of shortcake, smoothies and homemade jam, soggy Oregonians rally on U-pick farms to savor the first taste of summer. For one group of farmers, the U-pick season means blue skies of another sort: a step away from poverty and funds for their kids' educations.
Harry S. Stamper, Jr., was an acclaimed songwriter, folksinger, longshoreman and community and labor activist. A celebration of his literary and musical legacy will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St., Eugene. The event will feature: