Equity and Diversity

President Schill calls for protection of ‘Dreamers’ in op-ed

The Oregonian essay asks Congress to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program

Love is the answer on college campuses, vice president writes

Yvette Alex-Assensoh writes that planning and policies aren’t enough to fix campus culture

Upcoming workshops will help identify unseen biases

Sessions explore the meanings of implicit bias and strategies for prevention

Dreamer ally training sessions available for faculty and staff

Center on Diversity and Community presents workshops on supporting students

UO to host November First Friday Communities of Color event

Tribal liason Jason Younker will welcome the community to the networking event

African American Workshop and Lecture series begins second year

UCLA scholar Devon Carbado will kick off this year’s series with a talk Nov. 1

Symposium will investigate themes of Islamic feminism

he multidisciplinary event on Oct. 27 explores the women’s mosque movement

Workshop to explore African-American intellectual history

The mini-conference will be held Saturday, Oct. 21 in the EMU

Kickoff marks launch of new undergraduate research center

The event will be held Oct. 17 at 4 p.m. in Global Scholars Hall

Writing Circles program supports faculty and graduate students

Accountability groups encourage positive writing practices and build writing communities