Applications now open for the UO Leadership Academy

The University of Oregon Leadership Academy is getting ready to embark on its eighth year of developing and inspiring the next class of UO leaders.

The academy is a participatory leadership development program for mid-level administrative and academic faculty and staff members at the UO, offered by the Office of the Provost.

A diverse group of 30 participants will be selected to participate through an application process. The deadline for applications for the 2025-26 cohort is Jan. 24.

“The UO Leadership Academy provides a unique opportunity for faculty and staff from across the institution to work together and learn from and with another,” said Sierra Dawson, associate vice provost for faculty and leadership development and co-facilitator of the Leadership Academy.

“This helps build a sense of community and belonging, and develop important skills for leading ourselves and others, regardless of titles or job descriptions.”

The program is designed to support the leadership development of diverse and talented faculty and staff members, as well as to enhance the culture of collaboration and connection among participants, who are chosen from different backgrounds, identity characteristics, roles on campus and experiences to enhance group effectiveness and learning.

Judy Kanavle, director of program and project management in the Office of the Provost, was a member of the 2023-24 cohort. She said her experience challenged her to take risks and use her influence to make positive change where and when she can.

“Leadership Academy is about seeing ourselves as leaders and providing us with the frameworks, tools and confidence to lead from where we are,” she said.

Taking part in the academy helped her build relationships, recognize and value the strengths and styles of her colleagues, and provide and receive feedback effectively, all of which led to a better work culture and a higher quality of work, she said. The program also was great for building relationships and networks across all corners of campus, she added.

The principles and goals of the Leadership Academy also align beautifully with those of Oregon Rising, the UO’s strategic plan, she said.

“Leadership Academy helps us break down silos, be equity minded and celebrate and share our successes,” Kanavle said. “This program cultivates a flourishing community.”

The 2025-26 academy includes a kickoff event in June, followed by 10 sessions that take place on Fridays between September 2025 and June 2026.

Participants must be full-time, permanent UO employees whose work focuses on the academic or administrative mission, such as professor, senior instructor or lecturer, professor of practice, librarian, assistant or associate dean or vice provost, unit head, directors, assistant or associate director, program manager, although there is no specific title or rank required to apply.

“The Leadership Academy experience and community allows for deeper connection to colleagues who all aspire to make our teams and shared work better,” said Jennifer Espinola, dean of students in the School of Law and co-facilitator of the Leadership Academy. “It truly is an inspiring program.”

Ihab Elzeyadi, a professor of architecture and building science, and director of the High Performance Environments Lab, was in last year’s cohort and said the experience helped him find things that excite him about leadership.

The Leadership Academy acknowledged the challenges of leadership, helped him identify his strengths as a leader and areas where he needs support, and provided tools for making the day-to-day challenges of leadership more interesting, he said.

“I have had a couple of leadership positions, but I always felt it was a burden, kind of a lone wolf task,” he said. “The academy opened up really innovative ways to engage people to share the load of leadership.

“It made me realize leadership can still be a challenge but also a lot of fun,” he added. “That is the silver lining.”