Maintenance on Aug. 25 will affect DuckWeb and internet

Updated August 24, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.

Information Services, the University of Oregon’s central information technology department, will be doing two rounds of maintenance Friday, Aug. 25, that will affect network traffic and DuckWeb separately.

First, in the early morning, from midnight until 7 a.m., network engineers will be making some behind-the-scenes changes to the campus network as part of a large-scale network redesign and upgrade project to increase network capacity and replace aging hardware. During that work, network traffic to and from campus may be interrupted several times. Specifically, people on campus may be unable to access the internet, and people off campus may be unable access UO websites, including the UO homepage. In addition, email messages sent to and from campus may be delayed.

Network traffic within campus will not be affected.

Any interruptions are likely to be short. However, at maximum, campus may experience three network interruptions of up to an hour each during this work.

Separately, from 7 p.m. until midnight that night, database administrators will be performing routine maintenance on DuckWeb, the website that UO students, faculty and staff use to check grades, view pay stubs and change personal information. DuckWeb will be unavailable for five hours, starting during its weekly scheduled two-hour maintenance period and continuing for another three hours.

“We scheduled these extended maintenance periods on this day, before fall term starts for most of campus and between other key events, to minimize the impacts to campus,” said Patrick Chinn of Information Services.

Anyone with questions should contact the Technology Service Desk at 541-346-HELP (541-346-4357) or

By Nancy Novitski, University Communications