Quiet period and paid floating holiday return for 2024-25

After hearing positive feedback about last year’s programs, the University of Oregon will again observe a quiet period from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1, 2025, and offer another floating holiday for eligible employees.

Quiet period 

During the quiet period, the university encourages units to scale back as much as possible and for supervisors to invite teams to use their paid time off. And everyone should try to avoid creating new work, emailing, messaging or calling each other. 

If you do choose to work during the quiet period, try scheduling non-urgent emails and Teams messages to send after Jan. 1. This will help people who are working catch up without interruptions, and people on leave can fully disconnect without feeling the need to check work messages.

If the quiet period isn’t possible for your unit, work with your supervisor to find a good time to take some time off.

Floating holiday

The floating holiday lets eligible employees take a day off for cultural or religious observances, or any personal tradition or value. It can be used any time between Dec. 1 and Nov. 30, 2025. 

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