Many Jobs in One
“At the Science Library I staff the front desk; I answer students’ questions and help them find resources for their research projects; I ship and receive books; I check out laptops, videogames, calculators, and chargers; I am responsible for closing the Science Library at night; and I train students to use our Visualization Lab and MakerSpace.”
Learning the Ropes in the DeArmond MakerSpace
“The library’s MakerSpace is an amazing resource. I love it because it’s a hands-on learning space, and it’s also a space for students to create their own personal projects. Through this job, I have grown less intimidated by machinery. I need to know how each piece of equipment works in order to help people with their projects and make sure that safety rules are being followed. Now I know how to work a big CNC router, an industrial sewing machine, and a 3-D printer. At first I thought that working in a library would just mean shelving books—never in a million years did I imagine that I would have the opportunity to work with all these machines.”
Building Confidence on the Job
“Talking to different library users every day builds your confidence in how you handle different situations. Being confident enough to answer their questions has definitely translated to my academics. I used to be shy and timid in the classroom—I didn’t like asking questions or being called on. Now I’m a totally different person in class: I ask lots of questions and seek out the people and resources who can help me find the answers.”
Best Thing About Living in Eugene
“It’s my first time seeing all of the seasons! Now I can truly say that fall is my favorite time of year.”
Balancing Work and School
“I thought it would be really hard to balance school and work, but it’s actually been easy. A lot of on-campus jobs are very aware that you are a student first and foremost, and they work with your schedule. There is always going to be time for you.”

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